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  • Setup (unfold the board)
  • Deal out the 12 werewolf character cards at random evenly to all players
  • Give the players the appropriate miniatures for those cards. These are the werewolves they control during the game.
  • Shuffle the encounter and item cards and place them in piles.
  • Shuffle the paw-prints cards. Remove 1 and place the remaining cards face-down in the great hall.
First Player: Choose a player to be first. Youngest, newest, least wolfy, or whoever has L. Owen Wolfe, as he's got the key to the front door.

Objective: Discover the identity of the werewolf hunter, and reach the Great Hall at the center of the castle to denounce them. The first werewolf to name the killer is crowned king or queen, wins the game.

Turn: On each turn, you may move one of the wolves you control. Roll a die, and move that wolf in either direction around the castle that many spaces (you must move that many spaces. .) You must move around the outer ring of the castle until you can reach the inner ring (see Levels.) The various spaces you can land on are:
  • Encounter (moon): Draw an encounter card.
  • Recovery (+): You are restored.
  • Item (bone): Draw an item chit.
    • Recovery(green)
    • Test (red)
    • Bribe (purple)
    • Shortcuts (brown)
    • Traps
    • Weapons (no color)
    • Armor (no color)
    • Other
Levels: You can only go up a level in the castle by one of the level-change spaces (eg. Tower) or by use of a shortcut (eg. TNT Armchair.) You can go down a level at any time, moving directly to the space on the lower level as 1 space.

Wounded: When you are wounded you must drop all items (you may retain your paw-prints) and do nothing except limp 1 space towards the nearest recovery space. That wolf does not collect items, or have encounters. They may be tested.

Meeting: When you meet another wolf in the castle, you can do any of the following:
  • Trade items between you
  • Use: use items on them (eg. Test items)
  • Pack Attack
  • Fight

Testing: When you land on the same square as another wolf, and have a test item, you can test that werewolf to see if they are truly a lycanthrope or the hunter in disguise.

Denouncing: Once all the pawprints are gone from the Great Hall, it is time to solve the mystery. Move a wolf into the Great Hall and denounce the hunter in disguise to win the game!